Making Resolutions (and Diets) More Attainable

12 Jan

“Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.”

In honor of the New Year, I thought I’d see how everyone was keeping up on their resolutions! Each year, you can find that almost everyone adds to their list of resolutions something that has to do with health, weight or being happier. The idea of making these resolutions is very admirable, but the actual execution is usually a lot harder to attain and keep than actually making the goals themselves. Why is it that we work so hard the first couple of months and then just let our old routine sneak back up on us? Before we know it, we’re back at square one. What is that extra push that we need to complete these tasks?

A short article describes how creating New Year’s resolutions is a form of “cultural procrastination”, and I agree. We wait for a good reason to actually start changing a habit that has been negatively affecting us (because obviously the actual habit wasn’t reason enough). So we allow ourselves to keep the habit until, hm, the New Year! And although statistics prove that following through with each New Year’s resolution normally doesn’t work out, we still attempt them over and over with an incoherent faith that this time, it will be different. One reason for these failed endeavors, according to the article, is that the goals made are too broad and a year is usually too much time to give yourself. If you set more detailed goals within a stricter time line (e.g. monthly), you will be able to reach checkpoints that will eventually bring you to your desired result. Most people make their goals with expectations that are too high, don’t see results, and end up regressing to their former state. Why? Because it’s easier than changing your lifestyle, and the old routine is just too comfortable. But, is it?

Just like starting a new diet, with resolutions we begin cut-throat and with an unstoppable ambition to be better. However, after the first couple weeks of starting your new healthy routine, you let yourself slip and eat an entire box of cookies, that TV show about insects you really need to watch happens to be on during the time you’re suppose to be at the gym, and so on–you know how those excuses go. To avoid burnout from extreme lifestyle changes, creating smaller and more feasible objectives is a much better way to initiate your plan. For instance, instead of avoiding all fats and sugars in your new, hard-core diet, you should allow yourself sweets and goodies in moderation. I mean, who can resist a piece of cake every now and then anyway? This blog is about delicious food, cooking and eating and I absolutely can’t (and won’t) tell you not to eat anything that might be a little too sweet for a diet! But if you’ve made a goal (any goal!) this year, I encourage you to work hard towards it–because I guarantee the feeling and sense of accomplishment after reaching it is a feeling unlike anything else. Don’t forget, this blog is also about living a happy and healthy lifestyle!

So, take a look at those goals that you set for 2011 and refine them. Whether it’s a new exercise/diet routine, being more productive, saving money, learning a new language or keeping up with a new blog, don’t give up and settle for last year’s standards. Instead, narrow down each goal by month and write down what you would like to see at the end of that month. This will keep you on track, and each month you can see what you need to adjust to make your end result reachable. It’s ok to modify your goals, just don’t give up entirely on them.

So let’s be different this time and not just say we’re going to do it, let’s actually do it! Who’s with me? My resolutions are: post to this blog at least 3 times a week, exercise at least 3 times a week, and spend more time with family and friends. I will also remind myself to assess my progress each month to see how I am keeping up with everything!

What are your goals for this month/year?

51 Responses to “Making Resolutions (and Diets) More Attainable”

  1. ravenari January 12, 2011 at 11:50 PM #

    What wonderful, supportive advice! I must admit, one of my biggest problems is always this: ‘I have a bad day, I’m an emotional eater and have post-traumatic stress disorder, some days it’s the only coping mechanism I have left short of truly, truly harmful ones, and then I think the next day; ‘oh I had a bad day, why continue? I suck at everything.’ And so on.’

    It’s so *easy* to let one or two bad days, or even one or two bad weeks, stop me from continuing with my goals. I always forget that if I just got back on the wagon and stopped berating myself, I’d be healthier! But instead I go back to old habits. I failed, therefore, I must not be able to succeed.

    Recently I’ve introduced a new slogan to my small, but tested repertoire. It’s the same one I apply to art and cooking; ‘Fail until you succeed!’

    No excuse to stay off the wagon once you’ve fallen off, and your post reminded me of how valuable this is. :)

    • lifetasteslikefood January 13, 2011 at 12:10 AM #

      That is such an amazing quote! It relates to food and really anything else in life–thank you for sharing it with me! I’m so glad you enjoyed my post. It makes me feel very happy!

      We all struggle every day with wanting to quit a task that just seems too mighty to handle, but if we persevere, we’ll often find that we are stronger than we though we were. Make a goal, and go for it. You can totally do it!

  2. Mikalee Byerman January 13, 2011 at 8:17 AM #

    It always amuses me how the gym is PACKED for the first few months of each new year. Then attendance starts waning, then waning some more, until finally you have your pick of elipticals!

    Great post, and I’m a huge fan of realistic goals. And I admire your 3-times-a-week posting … I’m lucky if I can squeeze one out! (and that really sounds more disturbing than I had anticipated, btw…)


    Best of luck!

  3. ganeshmuthiah January 13, 2011 at 8:22 AM #

    Great Post :-)

  4. auntbethany January 13, 2011 at 8:32 AM #

    I’m trying to be a better friend! Too often I let texts, emails, voicemails go unanswered for a few days. I’m trying to be more proactive in how I interact with my friends…meaning, I will be the one to pick up the phone…to plan the party…to get a crew together on a Friday night. Little by little, over the past few years, I’ve been slowing bringing myself to this task, but this is the year to do it!

    Great post! Kudos on being FP!

  5. ElenaSC January 13, 2011 at 8:33 AM #

    Hey, this is a great post! Thank you!
    I picked my 2011 resolution before the end of 2010, and it was a very natural thing.

    Here my story:

    Everything I lived in 2010 brought me in this direction. So I decided to use ONLY natural body care products, and when I say natural I mean not tested on animals, without any chemicals, made with 100% vegetarian ingredients.

    There is so much we can learn about this topic, and I will be also sharing with you some great natural recipes to make you own body care products.
    I feel very good about it!
    Are you guys in?

  6. Jill January 13, 2011 at 8:41 AM #

    Great Post! I think a great new years resolution is eat more sweets and enjoy life a little more! We all get so wrapped up in diest and rules when it comes to eating. I say enjoy life, love food, and don’t worry about it!

    Keep up the great blogging

    “Stay Calm, Have a Cupcake”

  7. Lindsay January 13, 2011 at 8:55 AM #

    I make monthly goals for myself because that seems a lot more feasible and attainable than year-long goals. I don’t expect my life to be the same in November as it is today. We’re always growing & changing, right? Or we should be.

    Good luck with stickin’ to it! You can do it!

  8. CommentatorandPoet January 13, 2011 at 8:55 AM #

    Well written on an important subject. My resolutions have come out of necessity in facing age 69 early this year. It is my desire to hold back the pains and aches of senior age. It is also my desire to let the 45 year old man in the spirit of my body, come out and play again for many years more.

  9. Jackson Rodgers January 13, 2011 at 9:08 AM #

    Great post and yes, I’m with you.
    A major goal/resolution for me this year is to write a book.

  10. Kathryn McCullough January 13, 2011 at 9:11 AM #

    Interesting to think of the New Year’s resolution as a form of “cultural procrastination.”
    Great post and congrats on freshly pressed–
    From Haiti,

  11. brieana January 13, 2011 at 9:17 AM #

    Great encouraging post! I have also recently started a blog to keep track of my health goals for the year. Like you said, I have a lot of friends that have made plans to run marathons or eat healthier or try new things but none of them are doing anything about it! I think a blog is a great way to keep up with your goals, especially when there are others here to encourage us! I chose this year not to make a resolution but instead last November when I realized I was letting myself go, decided then and there to change my lifestyle and not wait around for the new year to try and make it magically happen. If you have time, please read my post on how my training has been going since November.

  12. lifetasteslikefood January 13, 2011 at 9:17 AM #

    Thank you so much everyone for all of the positive feedback! I am so glad that people can relate to this frustrating concept.

    Please be sure to leave links to your blogs so I can check them out too!

  13. Nora Weston January 13, 2011 at 9:23 AM #

    Great post! Since new year resolutions always seem too difficult (for me) to stick with, I simply make monthly goals, which are way easier to handle.

    For example…by the end of February, I will have volunteered at my child’s school, or…this month, more vegetables and new recipes are the changes to make. I only deal with the current month and the following month.

    This way, January is not a big deal, and there is no stress about a bunch of resolutions for an entire year, but I am consistently setting goals for better living.

    Thanks for the motivation to live healthy! Congrats on being Freshly Pressed. :)

  14. writeway73 January 13, 2011 at 9:29 AM #

    My goal is to adjust my eating habits and move more…sounds easy…not so much.

  15. I Made You A Mixtape January 13, 2011 at 9:37 AM #

    Excellent points here. When I start a diet (and yes, that is quite often…lol) what I try to do is just concentrate on one day. Just today. Not how long it will take me to lose weight or what dress size I should be etc. but what did I do/change/eat today… if I “fail”, well tomorrow is a new day and a clean slate…

  16. erinkeeney January 13, 2011 at 10:09 AM #

    Love the post! I’m totally guilty. I create resolutions and then school starts back up. A week, a month, sometime down the road I decide its unattainable and I give up. I’m hoping to be a little better about that this year.

  17. Black Ops Cheats January 13, 2011 at 10:13 AM #

    I don’t think I’ve ever kept a New Years Resolution. We can check up on one of yours though, and see if this blog gets updated 3 times per week ;)

  18. switchtorealfood January 13, 2011 at 11:30 AM #

    My resolution is bite sized and a mouthful. Eat healthy and record my lunch every day on my new blog. Now my friends and relatives are keeping me accountable. I don’t want any phone calls asking me if I’m ok after a picture of KFC goes up so I am eating loads of vegetables and other healthy stuff!

  19. Jamie January 13, 2011 at 11:56 AM #

    Thank you for your blog! how encouraging…as for me I too have tried to make this years goals simple and short term to reach the bigger whole of the goal. I have began to write out a weekly budget (with the help and encouragement of my close friend and mentor, Maria) “on paper on purpose” – which I believe is a saying of a radio show host on money management on AM. So far this has worked, as I think before I spend and each dollar is accounted for before it is frivoulsy spent on something that I can’t even remember the next day. The other is writing down what I eat on a daily basis. Not that this is really a diet – it does however, make me aware of what I am putting in to my body and how much of it. And last, saying NO. It is ok to say no to requests and offers. I found my self last year getting a lil better at this and this year I will perfect it. I can not do everything. My ultimate goal: To be Happier, Healthier and Wiser in 2011.

  20. Doug January 13, 2011 at 11:58 AM #

    I always tell my clients to treat every day as a fresh start on achieving their goals.

    What happened yesterday shouldn’t affect what happens today.

    Move on and do the best with the time you have today

  21. Ashley Lamont January 13, 2011 at 12:47 PM #

    Very interesting! Thanks for posting!

  22. Melanie Killingsworth January 13, 2011 at 2:04 PM #

    Well, I made my resolution several months ago, and since it involved a lot of people I know, that helped my keep it (and refine it!) as I went. Basically the deal was, I was going to be more decisive. When the whole group started our usual hemming and hawing over what movie we were going to watch, or what we wanted for dinner, I was going to make some executive decisions!

    But I was feeling left out of all the ‘What’s Your New Year’s Resolution’ talk, so I thought maybe I would make one.

    And here’s how it turned out.

    So it’s a little backwards. But that seems to be how I roll. :D

  23. Women's Intellect January 13, 2011 at 2:46 PM #

    Women’s Intellect- All Sizes, Shapes, and Colors!

  24. Lakia Gordon January 13, 2011 at 3:08 PM #

    I’m with you!! Thanks for sharing :)

    • Full Figure Monologues January 13, 2011 at 4:06 PM #

      This was a great post. Thanks for sharing

  25. notesfromrumbleycottage January 13, 2011 at 7:21 PM #

    My birthday is January 1st so I feel that pressure strongly. Last year I worked on exercising regularly (blown during a harsh winter, put into effect during the spring and continued)as well as making a diet that allowed me sweets while working in all of the good-for-you stuff. Everyday is another day to get it right.

  26. expressbywords January 13, 2011 at 9:48 PM #

    very true!!!
    it’s so easy to slip back to the old routine or habits but to inculcate a small little change(improvement), it requires too much of discipline and determination.
    thx for the advice!!!

  27. Electronics Buy and Sale January 13, 2011 at 11:08 PM #

    Awesome. Great post.

  28. richannkur January 13, 2011 at 11:37 PM #

    Too good…. i left thinking after reading this…Thanks for sharing and helping me to think towards my goals more precisely.

  29. haijerome January 14, 2011 at 12:43 AM #

    I just love this idea :-)

    BTW, Thanks a lot also for sharing your news year resolutions and even assessing monthly is also a must-Do thing in a year.

    Nice post !!!

  30. EscayolistasValencia January 14, 2011 at 1:49 AM #

    interesting article, is the first entered in this site and will not be the last


  31. Suzan January 14, 2011 at 3:16 AM #

    This is a great post. It’s amazing how we normally give up just because of a one day or two day failure moreover we never give up eating even for just one day. Once we put our efforts on our resolutions we can always make it.
    One month evaluation is really a good idea & very achievable.

  32. ~the dish~ January 14, 2011 at 5:30 AM #

    I decided actually to not make any specific resolutions this year. Usually I do the typical “I’m going to loose 10 lbs, or I’m going to do this or that” This year, I’m just going to take it one day at a time and make a conscious effort everyday to just be a better me….well I guess that was a resolution there wasn’t it?

  33. realyoganyc January 14, 2011 at 5:47 AM #

    Great post! I find that taking a moment to reflect on the way you feel (hungry, not-so-hungry, upset, happy, bloated…) before every meal makes it a lot easier to eat exactly what your body needs. Make a resolution before every meal not a month or a year in advance. Better yet set an intention to feel good and energized after a meal and you will see that automatically your body will crave healthy things. Our body is amazingly intelligent in this way!

    And check out my blog for healthy recipes, yoga, and ayureda tips

  34. Artswebshow January 14, 2011 at 7:02 AM #

    Very true.
    That old routine mocks us.
    It’s like when the evening comes and i prepare for my run, the old habit say’s hey, watch a movie instead and then you have to push yourself out of the door.
    The ironic thing is when i get back after the run i feel ten times better.
    That’s the thing me must keep in mind when faced with the weakness of changing.

  35. Shirley Anstis January 14, 2011 at 7:36 AM #

    Excellent post and thank you for sharing. I also think monthly shifts in the right direction are much more achievable than unrealistic and dramatic annual plans. Around food I tend to go more for everything in moderation, and not using food to control emotions is also a good idea.

    Part of the excitement of a new year is also the uncertainty of what might evolve. I like looking back on 2010 and appreciating lovely opportunities for growth and learning that were not anticipated. A small part of that is through my blog:

    Hoping for some of the same in 2011. All the best

  36. Sara W January 14, 2011 at 2:59 PM #

    Great post, looking forward to the next one. ~SW

  37. mynakedbokkie January 14, 2011 at 11:48 PM #

    Congratulations on being freshly pressed! You are so correct in everything you say….. that is why I dont actually set New Year’s Resolutions. Instead i decided on a bucket list.

  38. unique0725 January 15, 2011 at 11:07 AM #

    My goals are to focus on weight loss and getting and staying healthy. I joined this GREAT company called Beachbody and I am taking off running, literally. I starting having my Shakeology every morning for breakfast and working out again. I feel great. I want to motivate everyone. I feel my motivating people you are definitely paying it forward.
    Want to know more about me, my business, Beachbody? Visit my website:
    or my blogs

  39. heelsextremity January 17, 2011 at 8:34 PM #

    yum… my life taste delicious now! hope yours are too!:)

  40. fitwellssu January 20, 2011 at 9:03 AM #

    It is all about small lifestyle changes.
    Good luck with the resolutions everyone!

  41. EndlessExcursions January 31, 2011 at 12:54 PM #

    Good luck on losing weight. Cheering for you!
    I find myself always trying to lose weight. I like to believe that now I am more smarter than in the past about losing weight. In the past, I would give up in a month after not seeing results and then try again a couple of months later. This year, I will eat healthy stuff and stuff I crave minimally all the while exercising regularly without giving up.

  42. touristjapan February 1, 2011 at 8:41 PM #


    It is all about small lifestyle changes.
    Good luck with the resolutions everyone!

  43. nadinescloset February 3, 2011 at 7:52 AM #

    I’m glad to hear someone being realistic. Sometimes it seems like going “extreme” is the only way. We all know how that ends up…for me, it ends at the bottom of a can of frosting lol

  44. galvanic skin February 10, 2011 at 3:07 AM #


    I have not done before New Year’s resolutions because I will not make promises that they know, not saved. But I’m tired of my six-pack hiding of forty pounds of fat, so I’ll break it and make resolutions to the Sejm and the New Year with the help of the sky and the woman will keep her.


  1. Making Resolutions (and Diets) More Attainable (via Life Tastes Like Food) « caramel tea - January 13, 2011

    […] “Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.” In honor of the New Year, I thought I'd see how everyone was keeping up on their resolutions! Each year, you can find that almost everyone adds to their list of resolutions something that has to do with health, weight or being happier. The idea of making these resolutions is very adm … Read More […]

  2. Sometimes All We Need is A Little Nudge « Le goût de mes rêves - January 14, 2011

    […] forgot I saved this post as a draft until I read one of the Freshly Pressed posts today!  A timely reminder, […]

  3. Goal Setting Tips « Gentlemen, We Can Rebuild Him. We Have The Technology - January 14, 2011

    […] Making Resolutions (and Diets) More Attainable ( […]

  4. Sometimes All We Need is A Little Nudge « Le goût de mes rêves - January 14, 2011

    […] forgot I had saved this post as a draft until I read one of the Freshly Pressed posts today!  A timely reminder, […]

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