Sometimes We Just Have to Dance It Out

30 Jan

After a wonderful weekend filled with friends, a birthday celebration, lots of laughter, dancing and great food, I can’t believe it is already over (making little time to blog–sorry!). More details to come with all of the festivities including a birthday dinner at a Japanese Grill in Sacramento, big breakfasts, lots of cake, and my first taste of Persian food at a UC Davis Engineers Without Boarders fundraiser. There was also a lot of dancing this weekend in celebration of the birthday and also at the fundraiser gathering. Sometimes in life, you just need to add a little hop in your step, put on your favorite song, and dance your worries away! I personally feel like dancing is a wonderful way to relieve stress, especially when you jump around and dance like no one’s watching (you know you’ve all tried it at least once!). And it is especially fun when you’re in the kitchen cooking a meal and tapping to the beat. I hope everyone had a relaxing, food-filled weekend, and don’t forget to dance every once in a while! Here is a fun video clip to end the evening– even the Food Network cooks enjoy dancing it out!

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